2018-2019 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog
Academic Policies and Regulations
General Academic Policies
Application for Degree
Grand Valley State University awards baccalaureate, master's, and doctoral degrees three times each year: at the conclusion of the fall semester (December), at the conclusion of the winter semester (April), and at the conclusion of the spring/summer session (August).
Degree candidates must notify the registrar of their intention to graduate by completing an electronic application in myBanner prior to the semester in which their degree requirements will be complete.
Degree candidates will be allowed 30 days after the last day of the semester or session to complete all requirements and provide evidence of satisfactory completion to the registrar. No degree will be awarded until all temporary grades are removed. After the 30-day deadline, all remaining candidates will be dropped from candidacy status, and those students must reapply for some subsequent degree date. The candidacy deadline for each semester is listed in the schedule of classes on the Web. Exceptions to this policy will be based solely on extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the student. Any request for an exception must be made in writing to the registrar.
Information concerning Commencement announcements, caps and gowns, invitations, tickets, time and place, assembling, and other relevant items will be mailed to all eligible degree candidates (see Application for Degree section, previously listed) by the dean of students prior to the event.
Credit Hour
Courses at GVSU are categorized into one of several course "activity" types. For each course activity type, the university has identified the number of hours students are expected to devote to the course per semester per credit. The definitions do not include homework, reading, studying, or other student preparatory activities. Furthermore, the definitions do not cover faculty workload expectations. In the definitions, a semester is assumed to be a typical 15 week instructional semester. Courses offered in other time frames can be scaled accordingly. As an example, the most common course is a 3 credit lecture/discussion. According to the definition, the university expects 45 student contact hours per semester for this course. For additional information please view the UCC definition at c7nb.bj7dian.com/facultygov/.
The University Curriculum Committee makes exceptions to the policy based on accreditation standards and practice in the discipline. Please view the UCC definition and programmatic exceptions for additional information at c7nb.bj7dian.com/facultygov/.
Semester Hour
The unit of credit is the semester hour; the number of semester hours of credit given for a course generally indicates the number of periods a class meets each week.
Grading System
Grade | Quality Points | Grade | Significance |
A | 4.0 | CR | Credit |
A- | 3.7 | NC | No Credit |
B+ | 3.3 | I | Incomplete |
B | 3.0 | W | Withdrawal |
B- | 2.7 | AU | Audit |
C+ | 2.3 | X | Deferred |
C | 2.0 | NR | No Report |
C- | 1.7 | P | Pass |
D+ | 1.3 | PS | Pass |
D | 1.0 | PD | Pass with Distinction |
F | 0.0 | R | Research |
Quality points are the numerical equivalent of letter grades. A grade point average (GPA) is computed by dividing the number of quality points earned by the number of semester credits attempted (only those graded A-F). The GPA is used to determine academic standing, eligibility to participate in certain curricular and cocurricular programs, academic honors, and academic standing, which may include probation, jeopardy of dismissal, or dismissal. A minimum GPA of 2.0 for undergraduate students and 3.0 for graduate students is required for graduation. Some programs require a GPA in excess of the minimum to satisfy major requirements.
Credit at the graduate student level will be awarded for grades of C (2.0) or better. This includes all graduate coursework and core, background, and foundation courses. Grades below C will be calculated in a student's GPA, but the credits will not count toward the degree.
Please refer to each academic section for specific requirements.
Auditing a Course
Any student may register to take a course on an audit or noncredit basis, provided admission and course prerequisites have been met. Students who wish to audit a course must indicate their intent to the Registrar's Office during the first five class days of the semester. Changes from credit to audit and vice versa will not be allowed after the first week of the semester. Tuition costs for auditing are the same as for credit.
Credit/No Credit Grade
All coursework will be graded (A-F) unless the appropriate faculty body within a college, the dean of the college, and the Curriculum Committee have approved proposals on an individual course basis that the course be conducted on a credit/no credit basis.
Undergraduate students may elect certain undergraduate coursework on a credit/no credit basis. A maximum of 10 semester hours of major, minor, or cognate courses within the major may be taken on a credit/no credit basis only with the consent of the student's major department. A maximum of 25 percent of a student's hours of Grand Valley courses earned to fulfill graduation requirements may be taken on a credit/no credit basis (credit = C or above for undergraduate courses, credit = B or above for graduate courses). Courses that are graded CR/NC as the standard grading scheme (e.g., internships) do not count in the maximums stated previously. Consent is unnecessary if the course is an elective, a general education course, or a B.S. or B.A. degree requirement. Changes from a grade to credit/no credit and vice versa will not be allowed after the first week of the semester.
Deferred Grade
The grade of X (deferred) is a temporary grade that may be given only in a course that cannot be completed in one semester. Such courses are usually research projects. This grade is given only for work that is satisfactory in every respect but for which students need more than one semester to complete. An X grade must be removed within two calendar years from the date of assignment. If not, it will be changed to NC. A student cannot graduate with an X grade on their record.
Graduate Project, Thesis, and Dissertation Grades
The grades PS (pass), PD (pass with distinction), W (withdrawal), and NC (no credit) are the only grades that may be assigned as the final grade for a graduate project, thesis, or dissertation. The withdrawal grade is available only for students who wish to voluntarily and permanently terminate their degree program. The pass with distinction grade may only be awarded for a project, thesis, or dissertation that is exceptional in its significance and presentation and unanimously recommended by the project, thesis, or dissertation committee.
Incomplete Grade
The grade of I, Incomplete, indicates that a student was doing satisfactory work, but due to non-academic reasons beyond the student's control, the student was unable to complete the remaining requirements of the course. A student cannot graduate with an Incomplete on their record. The grade of Incomplete is only appropriate when all of the following conditions are met: (a) the student is doing satisfactory work in the course and the unfinished requirements can be clearly delineated, (b) the unfinished requirements constitute a relatively small part of the course, and the Incomplete is requested in the last 20% of the semester, (c) the student has justifiable reason(s) why the work cannot be completed by the end of the semester.
An Incomplete grade form must be submitted to the department chair and to the department chair and to the Dean's Office. A student is expected to complete course requirements according to the following schedule: fall semester Incompletes, end of winter semester; winter and spring/summer Incompletes, end of fall semester. Instructors are required to file a change of grade form or request an extension of the I grade at the end of each semester. An extension may be granted by the instructor under exceptional circumstances, such as illness or call to military service.
The Registrar's office will notify the student, the instructor, and the appropriate Dean's office six weeks prior to deadline for a grade change. If the instructor is not available during the process for removing the Incomplete, the unit head shall decide on how to proceed. A student for which the Incomplete course was a prerequisite may take a subsequent course only if the instructor of the course and the instructor who granted the Incomplete both grant permission.
Research Grade
The grade of R (research) is the only grade that may be assigned each semester to a continuous enrollment course for a graduate project, thesis, or dissertation (xxx-696, xxx-796). The R grade is permanent and not affected by the final grade assigned to the project, thesis, or dissertation.
New undergraduate students: Course selection and tuition payments are completed during the orientation program. Complete orientation/registration information is mailed to all new students before their intended term of entry.
New graduate students: Complete registration information is sent to all new students before their intended term of entry.
Advance registration is intended primarily for all currently enrolled and former students and is normally held during the preceding semester.
Late registration occurs during the first five days of each semester. Any registration or tuition payment received during the period must be accompanied by a $50 nonrefundable late registration fee. Courses beginning after the fifth class day and workshops or similar offerings without a prescribed registration process will be free of the late fee assessment on the first class day.
Schedule revision, or drop/add, is held concurrently with all registrations. A student may drop or add any course for which prerequisites have been met and capacity permits. Additional tuition charges are due when a student adds a credit. Under exceptional circumstances a student may be allowed to add a course after the deadline. The completed transaction, accompanied by support from the instructor, department chair, and collegial dean, must include a $25 late add fee and any additional tuition. Specific dates and times for all registrations are set by the registrar and listed in the schedule of courses. For more information on the new financial regulations regarding late registration and dropping or withdrawing from classes, click on the Important Policies section on the Financial Aid website.
Registering for two sections of the same course. Students may not be simultaneously enrolled in two sections of the same course specifically designated as repeatable for credit by a department or unit.
Duplicate Registration
Students who register for the same class in multiple future semesters will be dropped from the class(es) for all subsequent terms.
Electronic Overrides
If a course requires a registration permit, is closed, or prevents registration based on major, class, prerequisite etc., students may request a registration override through the myBanner system. The department offering the course evaluates the request for an electronic override and determines if an override will be granted. Once the electronic override is entered into the Banner system, you can register for that class. The issuance of an electronic override does not automatically register you in the course.
Michigan Residence Requirements
The following brief summary of the policy adopted by the Board of Trustees of Grand Valley State University applies to all students.
Because students normally come to Grand Valley State University for the primary or sole purpose of attending the institution rather than establishing a domicile in Michigan, those who enroll in Grand Valley as nonresidents will continue to be so classified throughout their attendance as students unless and until they demonstrate that their previous domicile has been abandoned and a Michigan domicile established. No students shall be eligible for classification or reclassification as a resident unless they shall be domiciled in Michigan and have resided in Michigan continuously for not less than six months immediately preceding the first day of classes of the semester for which classification or reclassification is sought.
For purposes of the regulations, resident students are defined as students domiciled in the State of Michigan. Nonresident students are defined as those whose domicile is elsewhere. Students shall not be considered domiciled in Michigan unless they are in continuous physical residence in this state and intend to make Michigan their permanent home, not only while in attendance at Grand Valley but indefinitely thereafter as well, and have no domicile or intent to be domiciled elsewhere.
The residence of a student who otherwise would be classified as a nonresident will follow that of his or her spouse if the spouse is classified as a resident, after the student has met the six-month domicile requirement.
Non-U.S. citizens who have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States shall not, by reason of that status alone, be disqualified from classification or reclassification as resident. However, non-U.S. citizens who are present in the United States on a temporary or student visa shall not be eligible for classification or reclassification as residents.
- Individuals who are on active duty service in the U.S. military, reservists of the same, or U.S. veterans and their spouses or dependents are considered residents for tuition purposes.
- Certain individuals may be eligible for consideration as resident students if they graduated from a Michigan high school after attending three years and are not legal residents of the United States; this eligibility extends for 28 months following high school or community college graduation.
It is the responsibility of the student to register under the proper residence classification, to advise the registrar of possible changes in residence, and to furnish all requested information pertinent thereto.
Application for reclassification must be filed no later than 10 calendar days following the first day of classes of the semester for which such reclassification is sought. Such application shall set forth in writing a complete statement of the facts upon which the application is based, together with affidavits or other supporting documentary evidence. Failure to file such an application on time shall constitute a waiver of all claims to reclassification or rebates for such semester.
Copies of the complete policy are available upon request from the registrar. Address all questions, concerns, and appeals of status to the registrar. The Residency Appeal Board will hear appeals of reclassification decisions.
Prerequisite courses provide the background necessary for successful performance in a course. The university uses an automated check of students' records, including transfer work and test scores at the time of registration to determine whether students have successfully completed the prerequisites for certain courses. The online catalog lists prerequisites in the course descriptions.
Prerequisite checking applies to all students regardless of their level or college. Prerequisites are enforced by the Banner student information system at the time of registration.
Students will be permitted to register if they have satisfactorily completed, are currently enrolled in the prerequisites for the course, or have departmental approval to be in the course.
Satisfactory completion means
- meeting the minimum acceptable passing grade requirement as indicated in the course description by completion of a Grand Valley State University course or an equivalent transfer class and
- having a test score that meets the requirement.
If you have not satisfactorily completed or are not registered for the prerequisite, you will receive a prerequisite error message when you attempt to register for the class.
Dual-level Enrollment Policy
Undergraduate students at Grand Valley State University may register for graduate credit prior to completing a baccalaureate degree. To do so, students must have earned a minimum of 85 semester hours, have a minimum 3.0 grade point average, demonstrated potential to succeed at the graduate level as determined by the graduate program director of the graduate program offering the course or be admitted to a graduate degree program, and receive approval from their undergraduate advisor, the course instructor, and the graduate program director of the graduate program offering the course.
Students wishing to apply for dual enrollment must obtain a Dual Level Enrollment Request form from the registrar's webpage and indicate on the form that they are currently
(1) an undergraduate student requesting the designation of a graduate course as part of the undergraduate program (this course may not be used as part of some future graduate program at Grand Valley), or
(2) an undergraduate student requesting enrollment in a graduate course to be designated as part of a future program (a student may count a maximum of nine credits toward the graduate degree). The completed form must be submitted to the Registrar's Office by the close of business on the fifth day of the semester in which the student wishes to enroll in the course.
Repeat Course Policy
A student may repeat any course one time. When repeating a course, the grade earned shall be the grade of record but the grades of all courses attempted will remain on a student's official transcript.
Students who repeat a course will have only the grade and credit of the most recent instance of the course counted toward their GPA and earned hours, regardless of whether most recent grade is lower or higher. Grades of I, W, AU, CR, or NC do not replace an earlier grade.
Repeating a course more than once is allowed only with the approval of the student's academic advisor. In cases when the course is not in the student's academic advisor's unit, approval to repeat the course must be approved by the appropriate unit head of the department where the course is offered. Please note: Many undergraduate secondary admission programs and postgraduate professional programs routinely recalculate students' undergraduate GPAs to include repeated coursework. The inclusion of repeated grades may lower your overall GPA when applying to such programs. Students should consult with prospective programs regarding their policies before applying.
For additional information regarding changes in federal regulations and impacts on financial aid for repeating courses, please check the Important Policies section on the Financial Aid website.
Course Repeat Appeal Process
If an advisor for undergraduate students/programs declines a student's request to repeat a course more than once, the student may appeal the decision by putting the request and the rationale for the request in writing and submitting both to the unit head of the program in which the course is located. If the unit head declines the appeal, or is the original decision maker, the student may then submit the appeal to the dean of the college in which the course is located.
End of Term Grades
Final grades are reported at the conclusion of each academic term and become part of the official record of the student. Final grade reports are available on the Web within one week of the last day of the examination period unless interrupted by university closure for holidays.
Midterm Grades
Grades are reported by the registrar at midterm as well as at the conclusion of the semester. Midterm grades are reported for all freshmen and for any undergraduate student in other than good standing. Midterm grades will be available on the Web and not recorded on the student's official transcript.
Transcripts of students' academic records are available from the Registrar's Office. Requests for an official transcript bearing the signature of the registrar and the university seal will be prepared and mailed within 24 hours after the request. Unofficial transcripts will be prepared immediately for currently enrolled students. Unofficial transcripts are available at any time on the Web at no charge through myBanner. No transcripts will be released if a student has an encumbrance or indebtedness to Grand Valley State University. To comply with the federal mandate, transcripts will not be released without a signed, written request from the student.
Student Information
Academic Grievance Procedures
Academic grievances are generally defined as those (a) involving procedures, policies, and grades in courses, (b) those involving major, minor, or program (graduate or undergraduate) degree requirements, (c) those involving general undergraduate university graduation requirements such as general education, total credit, or residency requirements, or (d) graduate degree requirements such as total credit or residency requirements. Filing of a grievance is required by the end of the following regular semester after notification of grade or receipt of adverse decision. Appeals of decisions must take place 30 days after receipt of notification.
A. Resolution of an academic grievance involving procedures, policies, and grades in individual courses. The resolution of academic grievances is based on two principles: first, that the resolution of a grievance should be sought at the lowest possible level, and second, that pathways for appeal exist for both faculty members and students. Resolution should be pursued as follows:
- An appeal to the instructor.
- If the grievance is not resolved to the student's satisfaction, a further appeal could be made to the unit head who may request that the appeal be put in writing. Both the student and the faculty member will be notified in writing of the unit head's decision.
- If the disposition by the unit head is not acceptable to either party, an appeal, in writing, may be made by either party to the dean of the college. If the dean feels that there is some merit in the written grievance, he or she may establish a committee to review the grievance and make a recommendation within 30 days to the dean. Such a committee may include a representative of the dean's office, a faculty representative from the college of the course under appeal, and a student representative. If a student representative is to be included in the committee, the student that is a party to the appeal must sign a FERPA release/waiver prior to the committee convening. Upon receiving the committee's recommendation in the latter procedure, the dean shall rule on the grievance. Both the student and the faculty member will be notified in writing of the dean's decision.
- If the disposition by the dean is not acceptable to either party, an appeal, in writing, may be made to the provost. The provost's review and judgment in the case will be final. Both the student and the faculty member will be notified in writing of the provost's decision. In cases where the faculty member in question also serves as the unit head, the dean shall appoint a suitable faculty member from the college to function as unit head for purposes of grievance. In a similar fashion, if the faculty member in question also serves as dean, the provost shall appoint a faculty member to act as the unit head for purposes of grievance. If an appeal is sought in this latter case, it will go directly to the provost.
B. Resolution of an academic grievance involving fulfillment of program, major, or minor degree requirements should be pursued as follows:
- An appeal to the unit head or graduate program director.
- If the grievance is not resolved to the student's satisfaction at this level, an appeal to the dean of the college would be possible, in the same manner as outlined in (a).
- Finally, a further appeal could be made to the provost as described in (a) listed previously.
C. Resolution of an academic grievance involving fulfillment of general undergraduate university requirements, such as general education, total credits, and residency requirements should be pursued as follows:
- A written appeal to the director of the Student Academic Success Center.
- If at this point the grievance is still not resolved to the student's satisfaction, a further written appeal could be made to the provost. In this case, the provost shall establish a committee to review the grievance and make a recommendation within 30 days. Such a committee shall include a representative of the provost's office, a faculty representative related to the student's major, and a faculty representative from outside the student's college. Upon receiving the committee's recommendation, the provost will render a final judgment in the case.
D. Exceptions to institutional graduate degree requirements sought by individual students will be determined by the dean and the provost.
The student filing the grievance may have an observer from the Dean of Students Office or a person of his or her choice attend any meeting at which the student appears. The faculty member involved in the grievance may have an observer of his or her choice attend any meeting at which the faculty member appears.
Academic Honesty
Integrity of Scholarship and Grades
Truth and honesty: The principles of truth and honesty are recognized as fundamental to a community of teachers and scholars. The university expects that both faculty members and students will honor these principles and in so doing protect the validity of university grades. This means that all academic work will be done by the student to whom it is assigned without unauthorized aid of any kind. Instructors, for their part, will exercise care in the planning and supervision of academic work, so that honest effort will be positively encouraged. Compliance shall include compliance with the following specific rules:
- No student shall knowingly, without authorization, procure, provide, or accept any materials which contain questions or answers to any examination or assignment.
- No student shall, without authorization, complete, in part or in total, any examination or assignment for another person.
- No student shall, without authorization, allow any examination or assignment to be completed, in part or in total, by another person.
- No student shall knowingly plagiarize or copy the work of another person and submit it as his or her own.
- No student shall submit work that has been previously graded or is being submitted concurrently to more than one course without authorization from the instructor(s) of the class(es) to which the student wishes to submit it.
Any ideas or material taken from another source for either written or oral presentation must be fully acknowledged. Offering the work of someone else as one's own is plagiarism. The language or ideas taken from another may range from isolated formulas, sentences, or paragraphs to entire articles copied from books, periodicals, speeches, or the writing of other students. The offering of materials assembled or collected by others in the form of projects or collections without acknowledgment also is considered plagiarism. Any student who fails to give credit in written or oral work for the ideas or materials that have been taken from another is guilty of plagiarism.
Such activity may result in failure of a specific assignment, an entire course, or, if flagrant, dismissal from Grand Valley. For further information see the Student Code.
Policy on Research Integrity
The university has developed policies and procedures to comply with the federal government regulations regarding dealing with and reporting possible misconduct. Allegations of misconduct should be referred to the appropriate dean or appointing officer or the provost and vice president for Academic Affairs, or the research integrity officer (excerpted from Grand Valley State University Policy and Procedures for Handling Allegations of Misconduct in Science; for the complete policy refer to the Faculty Handbook). Students involved in research, who suspect that an incident of misconduct has occurred, should report the incident to the dean of their academic college or the research integrity officer.
A student who has a concern that has not been addressed by a policy in this section may present his or her case in writing to the registrar. The registrar will acknowledge receipt of the complaint and respond regarding the disposition and assignment of resolution within 10 calendar days.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Law
HIPAA is a federal law related to health insurance and medical privacy. Students who have access to protected health information through clinical placements must be trained in HIPAA compliance. Students who have access to certain health related information through their placements are required to receive training on HIPAA privacy practices. If you are not sure whether you should receive training in this area, please contact your major advisor.
Records: Statement of Policy (FERPA)
It is the charge of the registrar to maintain complete and accurate academic records for Grand Valley State University and its past and current student populations. Much of the record keeping is required by either state or federal mandate. Grand Valley adheres to the compliance guidelines of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. A statement of the compliance policy is available in the Registrar's Office.
Each student must fulfill all general and specific requirements and abide by all pertinent academic regulations to earn a degree at Grand Valley State University. It is the responsibility of the student to learn the requirements, policies, and procedures governing the program being followed and to act accordingly.
Uniform Course Numbering System
1. Uniform Course Numbering Guidelines
Category | Description |
000-099 |
Credit in these courses does not apply to the minimum 120 credits required for the baccalaureate degree. |
100-199 |
Introductory courses, generally without prerequisites, primarily for first-year undergraduate students. |
200-299 |
Courses primarily for second-year undergraduate students. |
300-399 |
Courses primarily for third- and fourth-year undergraduate students. |
400-499 |
Advanced courses primarily for fourth-year undergraduate students. |
500-599 |
Courses primarily for first-year graduate students or prerequisites for 600- and 700-level courses. |
600-699 |
Courses primarily for students admissible to graduate programs. |
700-799 |
Courses primarily for advanced graduates in postgraduate and postdoctoral programs. |
2. Reserved Undergraduate Course Numbers
a. |
The numbers 180, 280, 380, and 480 are reserved for use only as special topics courses. |
b. |
The numbers 399 and 499 are reserved for use only as independent study and research courses. |
c. |
The number 490 is reserved for use only as an internship or practicum course. |
d. |
The number 495 is reserved for use only as a Capstone course. |
3. Reserved Graduate Course Numbers
a. |
The numbers 680 and 780 are to be used for graduate special topics courses. |
b. |
The numbers 690 and 790 are to be used for graduate research preparation courses. |
c. |
The numbers 693 and 793 are to be used for graduate project courses. |
d. |
The numbers 695 and 795 are to be used for graduate thesis/dissertation courses. |
e. |
The numbers 696 and 796 are to be used for graduate thesis/dissertation continuous enrollment courses. |
f. |
The numbers 699 and 799 are to be used for graduate independent study courses. |
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs: Certification for Benefits
Grand Valley complies in full with all reporting requirements outlined by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Enrollment, academic status, progress toward degree, conduct, attendance, and graduation requirements are monitored and reported for all benefit recipient students. All eligibility and certifications are handled through the Registrar's Office. Questions should be directed to that office.
Withdrawal from Grand Valley State University
Students withdrawing from Grand Valley during an academic term must obtain a complete withdrawal form from the Registrar's Office and, if applicable, have it signed by the director of the Student Academic Success Center. The completed form must be returned to the Registrar's Office. Any refunds will be based on the date the completed form is filed with the Registrar's Office.
Graduate students must follow the Graduate Academic Policy on Course Withdrawals.
Students in good standing who wish to return to Grand Valley after an absence of two or more semesters must submit a Petition to Return form to the Registrar's Office prior to registration. The form can be obtained from the Office of Admissions, the Registrar's Office, or the Registrar's Office website.
Withdrawal from a Graduate Course
For information on withdrawal from a graduate course, please refer to the section in the catalog on Graduate Academic Policies and Regulations.
Withdrawal from an Undergraduate Course
A student may withdraw from a course and receive a grade of W when the completed Registration and Drop/Add Form is presented to the registrar by the end of the ninth week or dropped through self-service Banner. Students who do not withdraw before the deadline must accept a grade other than W depending on the instructor's judgment of their performance in the course(s) and any mitigating circumstances. Students who request an exception of the withdrawal deadline due to extenuating circumstances must present their explanation of appeal attached to a Registration and Drop-Add Form signed by their professor and department chair along with at least one statement of support from the professor or department chair to the director of the Student Academic Success Center. Students should continue attending class until notification of a final decision about their appeal is received.
For additional information regarding late registration and dropping or withdrawing from classes throughout the academic year, please check the Important Polices section on the Financial Aid website.
Undergraduate Academic Policies and Regulations
Classification of Students
Freshman: 0-24 semester credits
Sophomore: 25-54 semester credits
Junior: 55-84 semester credits
Senior: 85 or more semester credits
Academic Review Policy
Beginning with the fall semester 2002, the following system has been used to evaluate the academic progress of all undergraduate students. Using either the narrative or the table that follows, students can check their credits earned, cumulative grade point average (GPA), and current GPA to readily determine their academic standing. The table that follows lists semester hours earned (including hours in transfer) and the minimum GPA for good standing, probation, jeopardy of dismissal, and dismissal.
- Good Standing: Each student must have a cumulative GPA of a 2.000 or higher to be in good standing.
- Academic Probation: A freshman with a cumulative GPA between 1.501 and 1.999 will be placed on probation. A sophomore with a cumulative GPA between 1.801 and 1.999 will be placed on probation.
- Jeopardy of Dismissal: A freshman whose cumulative GPA is 1.500 or lower and a sophomore whose cumulative GPA is 1.800 or lower will be placed in jeopardy of dismissal. Juniors and seniors whose cumulative GPA is below 2.000 will be placed in jeopardy of dismissal.
- Dismissal: Students in jeopardy of dismissal have one semester to raise their cumulative GPA above the dismissal level. If the student's cumulative GPA does not rise above the dismissal level and if the current semester GPA is less than a 2.500, the student will be dismissed.
- Readmission Following Dismissal: A dismissed student may apply for readmission after a period of one calendar year. Evidence of maturity and improved attitude toward academics and the written support of the student's academic advisor must accompany the application for readmission. The Petition to Return form and supporting documentation must be submitted to the registrar not less than 10 days before the first day of classes for the semester of intended return. Petitions are reviewed by the Academic Review Committee on a continual basis. Approval of a petition allows the student to enroll on a conditional basis, as stipulated by the committee. The academic standing for a readmitted student will be jeopardy of dismissal. These procedures apply to students who have more recently attended Grand Valley, within five years, or students who previously attended Grand Valley, five or more years past.
- Due Process Through Appeal: If a student believes that his or her academic status is in error, he or she may submit a written appeal including written support of his or her academic advisor to the Academic Review Committee, c/o the registrar. It is in the student's interest to appeal immediately if he or she intends to do so, but a student may do so no later than the first class day of the subsequent semester. All appeals will be considered by the Academic Review Committee.
Semester Hours Earned* | Cumulative GPA for Dismissal | Cumulative GPA for Probation | Cumulative GPA for Good Standing | |
Freshman | 0-24 | 1.500 or less | 1.501-1.999 | 2.000 or better |
Sophomore | 25-54 | 1.800 or less | 1.801-1.999 | 2.000 or better |
Junior | 55-84 | 1.999 or less | not applicable | 2.000 or better |
Senior | 85 or more | 1.999 or less | not applicable | 2.000 or better |
*Including transfer credit hours.
Dean's List
Undergraduates who earn 12 or more grade point credits with a grade point average of 3.5 or higher in any semester earn a place on the Grand Valley State University Dean's List. (A grade of CR does not count toward the total credits required.) The deans send each student a personal letter and the honor is noted on the student's permanent record.
Graduation Honors
Graduation honors will be based on the cumulative grade point average, including the final semester. The following scale is in effect for bachelor's degrees awarded Fall 2017, Winter 2018, and Summer 2018:
Summa cum laude: 4.000
Magna cum laude: 3.886-3.999
Cum laude: 3.800-3.885
Cut-off points are determined based on the distribution of GPAs for baccalaureate graduates in the previous calendar year (e.g. 2017-2018 cut-off points are set by examining final GPAs from 2016 graduates). Summa cum laude requires a GPA of 4.000. Magna cum laude requires a GPA above the previous year's 95th percentile (but below 4.000). Cum laude requires a GPA above the previous year's 90th percentile (but below the magna cum laude cut-off).
Class Attendance
At Grand Valley, regular attendance in class and other course activities is considered an essential part of the students' educational experience and a requirement for an adequate evaluation of student academic progress.
Coursework missed because of excused absences should be made up to the satisfaction of the instructor. Although makeup work will not remove the full adverse effect of the absence in all cases, faculty members will make reasonable accommodations for students when an absence is excused. The accommodations available will vary with course and program. The degree of the effect upon grades will vary with the nature and amount of work missed and must be measured according to the instructor's best judgment. In case of excessive absences, the instructor may refuse to grant credit for the course. Under some circumstances, an incomplete grade followed by a resolution according to university policy, or withdrawal from the course, is appropriate.
Absences due to the following reasons should be treated as excused: 1) absences of students who miss class due to active participation in an intercollegiate event; 2) absences due to the observance of religious holidays, see PC 9.6, Religious Inclusion Policy; 3) absences due to military duty; 4) absences due to jury duty, or appearance in court or other government hearings; 5) student medical conditions that preclude class attendance; 6) birth or adoption of child; 7) absences due to attendance at an academic and/or professional conference. Instructors have discretion to determine whether absences for other reasons should be treated as excused (e.g. study abroad program).
Student Credit Load
Most courses carry three hours of credit. To complete a bachelor's degree in four years, a student should carry a minimum of 15 hours each semester. First-semester freshmen and students on academic probation may not carry loads greater than 20 credits per semester.
Students who elect to take an extended course load of 20 credits or more must acquire approval from the director of the Student Academic Success Center.
Advising/Degree Audit
All undergraduate programs recommend that their degree-seeking students meet with an assigned faculty advisor or advising center professional advisor at least once per year, to ensure that there is a clear understanding of program requirements. Students can view their progress toward graduation at any time by using the myPath degree audit system.
Credit by Examination
In some cases, degree-seeking students may be granted advanced placement or receive college credit by examination. Tests are available to determine levels of competence in certain subject areas. The following tests are available:
Advanced Placement Program (AP): AP is a program sponsored by the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB). Generally, credit is granted for scores of 3, 4, or 5 but is determined by the appropriate academic department.
College Level Examination Program (CLEP): Credit is granted for subject examinations offered by CLEP; however, no credit is granted for the CLEP general examinations. Required minimum scores are available on request from the Admissions Office or the Registrar's Office. Native speakers of a language other than English will not be granted CLEP or AP exam credit for that language.
Defense Activity for Nontraditional Educational Support (DANTES):
Grand Valley will accept for credit certain DANTES college-level courses and college subject matter examinations. Specifics are available upon request from the office of Admissions or the Registrar's Office. There is no limit to the number of DANTES credits that can be applied.
International Baccalaureate (IB): Credit is granted for higher level IB exam results (in most subjects). The minimum score is 4. Details of the credit granted are available from the Admissions Office or the Registrar's Office.
Credit by examination in any of the noted programs has the following limitations:
- Examination credit will be awarded if the student has not previously registered for the course in question at Grand Valley or elsewhere.
- The credits, while counting toward graduation, will not be used in computing the GPA.
- Students must earn the last 30 credits toward their degree at Grand Valley; therefore, a student nearing graduation must get a Residency Waiver approved before the CLEP exam is taken.
- The maximum amount of credit by examination that may be applied toward the baccalaureate is 32 hours. This is inclusive of any combination from Advanced Placement, CLEP, and International Baccalaureate credits awarded.
Concurrent Enrollment with Michigan Community Colleges
Concurrent enrollment allows students at both Grand Valley State University and those attending Michigan community colleges to make full use of the variety of courses offered by both institutions. Through concurrent enrollment, students have more scheduling options, more choice of course locations, and many more courses available. Students may take courses at both institutions simultaneously or alternate enrollment between them. Financial aid may also be available to students who qualify.
Students must be admitted to both institutions. Students will follow the policies in place at each school they attend. Grand Valley has waived the rule that requires a student to have satisfied the MACRAO degree prior to taking their first course at Grand Valley. The benefits of the MACRAO agreement will be honored upon verification of completion of the degree. Refer to the General Education Requirements section for further clarification.
An internship is experiential learning for credit taking place outside the classroom and directed by a field supervisor and a Grand Valley State University faculty member. A student may enroll for a maximum of 15 credits of internship. An internship must be planned with a faculty advisor the semester before it takes place.
Attendance at an orientation program is required of all degree-seeking undergraduate students before their first semester of attendance. The purposes are to welcome new students, to introduce them to each other and to faculty members with whom they will be working, to administer placement testing, and to assist them in planning programs of study. The final step of orientation is the preparation of a schedule of classes approved by a faculty advisor and completion of the registration process. A schedule of the orientation dates is mailed to all new students well in advance of their term of entrance.
All new students are expected to participate in Transitions, the fall orientation program, which is offered prior to the first day of classes. This exciting program helps students meet new people, get acclimated to campus, and prepare for a successful university experience.
Degree Requirements
The following requirements apply to all undergraduate degree-seeking students:
- A minimum of 120 semester hours
- A cumulative GPA of at least 2.0
- A graduation major with at least a 2.0 average
- A minor, if elected, with a 2.0 GPA
- General education requirements
- Cognate for Bachelor of Arts or core for Bachelor of Science degree
- Capstone course
- The last 30 semester hours toward a baccalaureate degree must be earned in Grand Valley courses
- A minimum of 58 semester hours must be earned at a senior institution
- A minimum of 12 Grand Valley earned semester hours must be included in the major (six for the minor)
1. Semester Hours Requirements
Students are required to complete at least 120 semester hours of credit for graduation. Courses taken after summer 1983 numbered below 100 do not apply toward the 120 needed for graduation.
2. Cumulative
For graduation, a student must earn a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.0 based on all coursework attempted at Grand Valley. Some major programs stipulate a GPA requirement exceeding the minimum. Refer to the department entries for specifics.
3. Major
A student must elect a major in one or more of the academic units empowered to present candidates for the undergraduate degree. A cumulative GPA of 2.0 in the major is the required minimum for graduation. Some majors stipulate requirements exceeding the minimum. Refer to the department entries for program specifics.
4. Minor
A minor is required for select programs for graduation. Any student may choose to complete a minor. If a student chooses to complete a minor, a cumulative GPA of 2.0 is the required minimum for graduation. Some minors stipulate requirements that exceed the minimum. Refer to the department entries for program specifics.
5. General Education Requirements
Ensuring that undergraduate students receive a broad general education has been a primary goal of colleges and universities since their inception. In this era of increasing specialization and growing demand for professional expertise, it is vital that we continue to emphasize the value of general learning.
6. B.A. and B.S. Degree Requirements
All Bachelor of Arts degree programs must include at least three courses that focus on culture, arts, philosophy, or language. At least two courses must be outside of the general education Foundations category. All Bachelor of Arts programs must require third-semester proficiency in a classical or modern language.
All Bachelor of Science degree programs must include at least three courses that focus on mathematics, statistics, quantitative reasoning, or scientific analysis. At least two courses must be outside of the general education Foundations category. At least one course must build upon the expertise developed in the general education Mathematical Sciences category by requiring a general education Mathematical Science course as a prerequisite.
7. Capstone Course
Each undergraduate major curriculum must include a Capstone experience (generally a senior-level course of three credits) with four general criteria: breadth (students must draw on several courses within their major), integration/synthesis (students combine different skills and areas of knowledge into a single experience), application (e.g., students use their knowledge and skills to examine an issue and produce a substantial outcome), and transition (e.g., students reflect on and gain knowledge and skills that prepare them to move from college to the world beyond).
8. Required Hours at Grand Valley
Graduation from Grand Valley State University requires that the completion of the last 30 semester hours toward a baccalaureate degree must be earned at Grand Valley or in Grand Valley programs and courses taught off campus by Grand Valley faculty members.
9. Senior Institution Requirement
Regardless of the number of transfer credits accepted by Grand Valley from junior or community colleges, a baccalaureate degree must include a minimum of 58 semester hours from a senior (a four-year, degree-granting) institution.
10. Transfer Hours for Major and Minor
Regardless of the number of transfer hours accepted by Grand Valley from other institutions, transfer students must complete a minimum of 12 hours in the unit conferring the major (six for the minor).
Grand Valley maintains that a complete education involves more than preparation for a particular career. A career occurs in the context of a life, and a sound general education helps one "make a life" as well as "make a living." The university remains committed to assuring that all undergraduate students, regardless of academic major or intended profession, receive a broad education rooted in the arts and sciences.
The focus of our General Education Program is to provide students with an education that balances depth with breadth, the specialized with the general. The General Education Program helps students become literate in a sophisticated way in a number of disciplines, and it fosters their ability to make connections across various domains of knowledge. Such preparation will provide students with the general knowledge and skills necessary to participate intelligently in the discourses that shape local, national, professional, and global communities.
Teaching in the liberal tradition is at the heart of Grand Valley's identity, and this focus is critical in our General Education Program. Liberal education transcends the acquisition of information; it goes beyond the factual to ask important evaluative and philosophical questions. Liberal learning holds the fundamental principles and suppositions of a body of knowledge up to inquiry, question, and discussion. It helps a person recognize the assumptions under which he/she operates and encourages the examination and questioning of those assumptions. Liberal learning begins in the General Education Program and continues through more specialized studies comprising each student's major and minor areas of study.
Grand Valley is dedicated to making sure that our students, via their academic majors, become competent specialists in their fields of endeavor. An equally pressing priority is that our graduates also possess the marks of a generally educated person that they will have acquired the broad knowledge and life skills that will allow them to be informed and thoughtful people. These ideals co-exist within our institution, and together they produce people who can contribute to their own well-being, their communities, their professions, and the world in which they live.
The General Education Program provides a broad-based liberal education experience that fosters lifelong learning and informed citizenship. The program prepares students for intelligent participation in public dialogs that consider the issues of humane living and responsible action in local, national, and global communities.
Refer to c7nb.bj7dian.com/gened for more information.
Student Learning Outcomes of the General Education Program
The General Education Program teaches the knowledge and skills needed to intelligently participate in public discourse.
Knowledge Outcomes
Graduates will know:
- About the major areas of human investigation and accomplishment the arts, the humanities, the mathematical sciences, the natural sciences, and the social sciences.
- About their own culture and the culture of others.
- How academic study connects to issues in the world. A generally educated person is able to think in broad terms and see connections in the world. Preparing for responsible citizenship requires that students become conscious of both complementary and competing viewpoints and recognize that any issue or problem can be viewed from multiple perspectives.
Skills Outcomes
Graduates are proficient in:
1. Collaboration work together and share the workload equitably to progress toward shared objectives learned through structured activities that occur over a significant period of time.
Students will:
- Use knowledge of group dynamics to select appropriate roles.
- Use knowledge of group management to create effective plans.
- Successfully follow the group's plan.
- Assess contributions of self and others to the group dynamics.
2. Critical Thinking use systematic reasoning to examine and evaluate information and ideas and then synthesize conclusions to propose new perspectives and solutions. Students will:
- Assess relevant information, perspectives, and assumptions.
- Construct logical conclusions based on reason and evidence.
- Formulate novel approaches or create innovative interpretations.
- novel approaches or innovative interpretations.
3. Ethical Reasoning use a decision-making process based on defining systems of value.
Students will:
- Recognize ethical issues when presented in a complex situation.
- Demonstrate understanding of key concepts and principles underlying various systems of reasoning.
- Accurately apply ethical theories and terms to situations.
- Demonstrate the ability to deal constructively with ambiguity and disagreement.
4. Information Literacy identify, access, evaluate, and synthesize multiple forms of information.
Students will:
- Articulate the specific information needed.
- Access information using appropriate search tools.
- Evaluate the quality, usefulness, and relevance of the information.
- Ethically communicate synthesized information.
5. Integration synthesize and apply knowledge, experiences, and multiple perspectives to new, complex situations.
Students will:
- Connect academic theories with personal experiences to illuminate both.
- Draw conclusions connecting examples, facts, and/or theories from more than one field of study.
- Generalize skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies for solving problems in new contexts.
6. Oral Communication - effectively communicate verbally with a public audience across a variety of contexts.
Students will:
- Develop content appropriate to the presentation.
- Organize the content in a logical manner appropriate for the intended audience.
- Demonstrate evidence of rehearsal during the formal presentation.
- Demonstrate effective formal presentation skills.
7. Problem Solving design and evaluate strategies to answer open-ended questions.
Students will:
- Construct clear and insightful problem statements that prioritize relevant contextual factors.
- Identify multiple approaches for solving the problem within the given context.
- Design and fully explain solutions that demonstrate comprehension of the problem.
- Evaluate the feasibility of solutions considering the context and impact of potential solutions (e.g., historical, ethical, legal, practical).
8. Quantitative Literacy a competency and confidence in working with numbers.
Students will:
- Interpret information appearing in different forms (e.g., graphs, tables, equations, text).
- Evaluate assumptions or biases associated with the chosen method.
- Solve quantitative problems using appropriate techniques.
- Draw valid conclusions based on data analysis and critically evaluate conclusions made by others.
9. Written Communication write effectively for multiple purposes and audiences.
Students will:
- Develop content that is appropriate to a specific disciplinary or professional context, drawing upon relevant sources.
- Organize written material to suit the purposes of the document and meet the needs of the intended audience.
- Express ideas using language that meets the needs and expectations of the intended audience.
- Use conventions of grammar, punctuation, usage, formatting, and citation appropriate to the specific writing situation.
Requirements of the General Education Program
Courses in the Foundations category introduce you to the major areas of human thought and endeavor. These courses present the academic disciplines as different ways of looking at the world, they introduce you to the varied methods used to create knowledge, and they acquaint you with major questions and principles of the field.
- Arts (one course)
- Historical Perspectives (one course)
- Mathematical Sciences (one course)
- Natural Sciences (two courses, one from Physical Sciences, one from Life Sciences; at least one must contain a lab)
- Philosophy and Literature (one course)
- Social and Behavioral Sciences (two courses from two different disciplines)
- Writing (one course)
Courses in the Cultures category prompt you to recognize yourself as a cultural being, and to understand the diverse ways in which people organize life and perceive the world. It enhances your ability to live and work intelligently, responsibly, and cooperatively in a multicultural nation and an interdependent world.
- U.S. Diversity (one course)
- Global Perspectives (one course)
Courses with a Cultures designation may count for Foundations or Issues credit in addition to Cultures credit. See the specific course for details.
Courses in the Issues category provide you with opportunities to integrate learning and cocurricular experiences and then to build connections between prior understanding and new learning. Issues courses are problem-solving courses that encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration within each class. They also develop your understanding of some of the most compelling issues of our time: globalization, health, human rights, identity, sustainability, and the connected topics of information, innovation, and technology.
- Two courses (two courses from two different disciplines)
- Courses can be within the same Issue or be from different Issues
- If a course is cross-listed in two disciplines, your second course must be taken from a third discipline.
- Issues courses must be taken at GVSU (except study abroad, see c7nb.bj7dian.com/studyabroad).
- Issues courses have a junior standing prerequisite (you must have completed at least 55 credits prior to taking an Issues course; you can register for the class while the final credits are in progress).
Supplemental Writing Skills (SWS)
The university requires that all students take two Supplemental Writing Skills courses. These courses, which have Writing 150 with a grade of C (not C-) or better as a prerequisite, are designated SWS in each semester's course schedule. Please read the schedule carefully, because not all sections of a multisection course are necessarily SWS sections. Those that are not designated SWS do not result in SWS credit. The SWS courses need not add to a student's program because they may also count as courses in general education or the major. Transfer students with a MACRAO must take one SWS course (normally in the student's major).
Courses that have received the SWS designation are not merely courses that require written assignments; they adhere to certain guidelines. Students turn in a total of at least 3,000 words of writing during the term. Part of that total may be essay exams, but a substantial amount of it is made up of finished essays or reports or research papers. The instructor works with the students on revising drafts of their papers, rather than simply grading the finished piece of writing. At least four hours of class time are devoted to writing instruction. For a three-credit course, at least one-third of the final grade is based on the writing assignments.
Students must pass the writing skills courses (Writing 150 and the two SWS courses) with a grade of C or better in each course. Students with a grade of C- or lower in an SWS course may repeat the course or pass another SWS course with a grade of C or better before graduation. Transfer students with the MACRAO must pass one SWS course with a grade of C or better.
Questions regarding the SWS program should be addressed to the University Writing Skills Committee: c7nb.bj7dian.com/sws/.
Frederik Meijer Honors College
Frederik Meijer Honors College students may satisfy their general education requirements through the Meijer Honors College curriculum.
Transfer Students
Students who transfer to Grand Valley with the MACRAO approved associate of arts or science degree from a Michigan public community college have satisfied the Foundations of the General Education Program and one Supplemental Writing Skills (SWS) course. Transfer students with a MACRAO are required to complete the following requirements: one SWS course in their major or college and the Capstone course in that major and the B.A. or B.S. degree requirement where applicable. In addition, transfer students with a MACRAO must also fulfill the following general education requirements: the two-course Cultures requirement and two Issues courses.
Dual Majors
In order to have dual majors recorded on the official record, a student must meet fully the requirements of each major. Students may complete a single course and that course may be applied to both majors. Dual majors may be awarded as long as there is a minimum of 60 credits across both majors. Students need to complete requirements for both majors. When course overlap occurs, students should see their advisor, who can help them obtain the proper approvals if substitution is appropriate.
Multiple Minors
For a multiple minor, each minor must contain 20 credits that are not duplicated in the other.
In order to have a minor recorded on the official record, a student must meet fully the requirements of the select minor. A minor must have a minimum of 20 required credits. The required 20 credits in the minor must also be unduplicated in relationship to the major.
Second Bachelor's Degree
Under certain circumstances a student may earn two baccalaureate degrees. Students with a Grand Valley baccalaureate degree or Grand Valley students pursuing two degrees simultaneously at Grand Valley should note the following information:
- They must meet all specified requirements for both degree programs.
- They must complete a minimum of 30 semester hours in residence at Grand Valley beyond that required for the first degree.
- A student who meets the separate requirements for each of the two degree programs but not the additional residence requirement may have both majors recorded on his/her academic record.
- A student holding a baccalaureate degree from Grand Valley may not modify his or her undergraduate GPA for degree by pursuing additional coursework.
Students holding a baccalaureate degree from another regionally accredited institution should note the following information:
- They must meet all specified requirements for a new major degree program.
- General education requirements are regarded as satisfied by the first degree.
- They must complete a minimum of 30 semester hours in residence at Grand Valley.
- Transfer students must complete a minimum of 12 hours in the unit conferring the major (six for the minor).
Catalog Limitations and Guarantees
A student may graduate under the catalog in effect at the time of his or her initial registration as a degree-seeking student at Grand Valley or under any succeeding catalog. However, no student may graduate under the requirements of a catalog that is more than eight years old. A student cannot declare a course, program, or degree once it has been discontinued even if it existed at the time of the student's entry.
Graduate Academic Policies and Regulations
Credit Load
Full-time graduate students register for nine or more credit hours per semester. For financial aid purposes, half-time graduate students register for four and one-half credit hours per semester. Permission from the dean of the appropriate college is required for more than 15 hours per semester.
Independent Study
No independent study or individualized courses will be allowed in areas where courses exist and are taught at least once per year.
Only graduate degree-seeking students who have completed the core requirements or have special permission from the appropriate academic dean's office may take individualized graduate courses or do graduate-level independent projects.
All independent study topics and the amount of credit to be earned must be approved by the faculty member who agrees to supervise the project. A maximum of six hours of credit can be granted for independent study. The conditions, meeting times, workload, and subject matter concerned with the project are mutually agreed to by the initiating student and the assenting faculty member, and consistent with standards of quality education. Request forms can be obtained from the faculty member or the academic program office. Some departments may have further restrictions regarding independent study.
Degree Requirements
In each of the graduate programs offered by Grand Valley State University, the university seeks to provide its students with intellectual challenge and opportunity for scholarly and professional growth. A graduate program is a carefully structured combination of courses and research designed on the whole to serve specific needs of the student.
Specific details of the programs and regulations governing graduate work may be found in the department entries in this catalog. The following information briefly summarizes the institutional minimums for the master's, specialist, and doctoral degrees. In those degree programs where the department requires more than the university minimum, their requirements take precedence.
Credit at the graduate level will only be awarded for grades of C (2.0) or better. This includes all graduate coursework and core, background, and foundation courses. Grades below C will be calculated in a student's GPA, but the credits will not count toward the degree. Graduate students are expected to maintain a cumulative GPA of B (3.0) at all times. Additional information on GPA and grading requirements can be found in the Academic Review for Graduate Students section that follows.
Graduate Academic Policies
Graduate Academic Policy for the Award of a Graduate Degree
1. The university may award a graduate degree only when a student meets all program requirements and their graduate program grade point average (GPA) is equal to or greater than a B (3.0) average.
2. Credit at the graduate level will only be awarded for grades of C (2.0) or better. Grades below C will be calculated in a student's GPA, but the credits will not count toward the degree. Individual programs may have more stringent requirements, please refer to your specific program policies for more information.
3. The student must fulfill all requirements for the degree within a period of eight consecutive years. The date of entry into the first graduate course counted toward the degree is viewed as the starting point of the eight-year period.
4. Master's programs may include some courses that are dual-numbered at the senior undergraduate and graduate level (maximum of nine credits). Such courses must be approved for dual listing and must follow the dual-listed course policy. Graduate students may not repeat for graduate credit dual-listed courses that were taken in their undergraduate program. If such a course is a master's program requirement, the department will make an appropriate substitution.
5. Candidates for advanced degrees must demonstrate not only their mastery of the subject matter but their ability to integrate and synthesize it. They must also demonstrate their ability to generate new knowledge and/or apply existing knowledge to specific practical situations in a culminating experience. This demonstration must take the form of a project, thesis, dissertation, internship, comprehensive examination, or a culminating experience course.
Graduate Academic Policy on the Minimum Number of Credits Required for the Award of a Master's Degree
1. A minimum of 33 graduate-level credits must be earned for a master's degree to be awarded. Graduate-level credits for the master's degree are earned in those courses that are numbered 500 and above that do not meet the definition of a leveling course.
2. A cumulative GPA of at least a 3.0 is required of all candidates for the master's degree.
3. At least 24 credits must be earned at Grand Valley.
4. The following types of credit are NOT considered to be graduate-level credit for the purpose of this policy:
a. Credit earned for completion of a leveling course (defined as follows)
b. Credit that was earned more than eight years prior to the award of the degree
Exceptions to this provision may be granted for courses over eight-years old based on evidence provided by the student that demonstrates currency in the content of the course, and on the recommendation of the graduate program director for the degree sought, and with the approval of the dean of The Graduate School.
5. No more than nine credits earned from a dual-listed graduate course may be applied toward the degree.
Definition: A leveling course is a course that is intended to provide knowledge skills and competencies expected of students entering a specific graduate program and that is routinely waived or not required for students with sufficient undergraduate coursework in the discipline or program area.
Graduate Academic Policy on the Minimum Number of Hours Required for the Specialist Degree
1. A specialist degree program shall require a minimum of sixty (60) graduate credits beyond the baccalaureate degree.
2. Additionally, if a student has earned a master's degree prior to matriculating in the specialist program, the student must earn a minimum of thirty (30) graduate credits beyond the master's degree.
3. Credit earned in a leveling course as defined in the Graduate Academic Policy on the Minimum Number of Credits Required for the Master's Degree may not be counted toward the minimum credit required.
A minimum of twenty-four (24) of the required graduate credits must be earned at the university.
Graduate Academic Policy on the Minimum Number of Hours Required for an Earned Doctoral Degree
1. Except as provided as follows, a graduate degree program shall require the following minimum number of graduate credits to award a doctoral degree:
a. Ninety (90) graduate credits beyond a baccalaureate degree
b. Additionally, if a student has earned a master's degree prior to matriculation in the doctoral program, at least forty-five (45) graduate credits beyond the master's degree
c. Forty-five (45) graduate credits earned at the university
2. A doctoral degree program may require fewer credits than specified previously only if consistent with academic and discipline-based norms.
a. Consistency with academic and discipline-based norms may be demonstrated by offering
i. authoritative evidence, such as accreditation, professional/academic association standards; and/or
ii. documentation of prevailing practices among similar degree titles and programs; or
iii. a thorough and convincing rationale for a new innovative doctoral degree program where similar programs do not exist.
b. A doctoral degree may NOT be awarded to a student who has earned fewer than
i. seventy-five (75) graduate credits beyond a baccalaureate degree; or
ii. thirty (30) graduate credits beyond the master's degree, if a student has earned a master's degree prior to matriculating in the doctoral program; or
iii. thirty (30) graduate credits at the university.
3. Credit earned in a leveling course as defined in the Graduate Academic Policy on the Minimum Number of Credits Required for the Master's Degree may not be counted toward the minimums specified in this policy.
Graduate Academic Policy on the Transfer of Credit to a Graduate Program
1. Graduate credit from regionally accredited institutions or the equivalent will be considered for transfer to a degree program where the credit
a. is relevant to the student's degree program as determined by the graduate program director of the program to which the credit would be applied; and
b. for which a grade of B (3.0) or above was earned; and
c. is applicable to any graduate degree at the institution from which the credit was awarded; and
d. is not a culminating experience; and
e. is not an independent learning, project, or similar experience.
Practicums, internships, clinical experiences, or fieldwork that are required of the program may be transferred upon approval of the graduate program director.
2. The acceptance of credit in transfer is at the discretion of the graduate program director of the degree program to which the credit will be applied.
3. The following is the maximum amount of transfer credit that may be applied to a graduate degree:
a. Nine credits for a degree program with a length of 33 credits
b. Thirty percent of the degree program for a degree program longer than 33 credits
4. Exceptions to this policy must be recommended by the graduate program director and approved by the dean of The Graduate School.
5. Definitions
a. A regionally accredited institution is an institution that is accredited by one of the following organizations:
i. The Higher Learning Commission (www.hlcommission.org)
ii. Middle States Commission on Higher Education, Middle State Association of Colleges and Schools
iii. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
iv. Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
v. Western Association of Schools and Colleges Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities
vi. Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges
b. A culminating experience is a project, thesis, dissertation, internship, comprehensive examination, or a culminating experience course.
c. The equivalent of graduate academic credit from a regionally accredited institution is credit
i. earned from an institution which the university has a formal agreement to accept the credit in transfer; or
ii. earned from an institution outside of the United States that has been evaluated on a course-by-course basis as equivalent to graduate credit earned from a regionally accredited institution. The evaluation must have been performed by a foreign transcript evaluation service approved by the dean of The Graduate School; or
iii. earned from an institution outside of the United States, where the institution is recognized by the dean of The Graduate School as equivalent to a United States regionally accredited institution. Transcripts of foreign institutions issued in languages other than English must be accompanied by a certified translation of the transcript in English.
Graduate Academic Policy on the Award of Academic Credit for Study Abroad Experiences
1. Graduate academic credit may be awarded to a student enrolled in a graduate degree program for a study abroad experience for which the student received the prior approval of the graduate program director.
a. The graduate program director, in consultation with the Padnos International Center, shall consider whether the study abroad experience
i. is consistent with the amount of credit to be awarded and
ii. is consistent in level and rigor with typical academic experiences for which graduate credit is awarded by a United States regionally accredited institution.
b. The acceptance of study abroad credit to meet a requirement or as an elective in a graduate degree program is at the discretion of the graduate program director.
Exception: This provision (paragraph 1) does not apply to a GVSU-sponsored study abroad experience for which credit is specifically awarded for a university course that is listed as a requirement or elective in the graduate degree program.
2. The graduate program director, in consultation with the Padnos International Center, shall consider whether the student's academic performance in a completed study abroad experience is equivalent to a grade of B or higher at a United States regionally accredited institution.
3. Graduate academic credit awarded by the university for a study abroad experience for which the student has obtained the prior approval of the graduate program director is deemed to be graduate credit earned in residence at the university regardless of whether another (e.g., host) institution has awarded credit for the same experience.
4. This policy does not apply to a completed study abroad experience for which the student has not obtained the prior approval of the graduate program director. The applicable policy in such cases is the Graduate Academic Policy for the Transfer of Credit to a Graduate Program.
5. Except for courses meeting the exception in 1. b. as listed previously, the graduate program director shall report each award of graduate credit for a study abroad experience to the dean of The Graduate School for final approval.
Policy for the Award of Two or More Graduate Degrees at the Same Level
The university may award more than one graduate degree at the same level where
- all stated requirements are met for each degree;
- a minimum of two-thirds of the total graduate credits must be unique to each degree sought;
- projects, theses, dissertations, internships, comprehensive examinations, or culminating experience courses; and
- the award of two or more graduate degrees must be supported by the graduate program directors of the respective programs, and approved by the dean of The Graduate School.
This policy does not apply to dual-degree programs within the university or offered in conjunction with another graduate institution under formal agreement with GVSU which have been specifically approved through the university curriculum approval process.
Responsible Conduct of Research for Graduate Students Policy
Each graduate student must complete Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training prior to completion of 50 percent of the graduate program or prior to engaging in any research activity (e.g. voluntary, independent, or supervised research, projects, theses, or dissertations).
Individual graduate programs must identify what type of minimal RCR training is required and when it will be required, with approval by the dean of The Graduate School. The following options are available:
- Online training from a GVSU approved provider
- An approved research methodology course
- An approved workshop or series of workshops
- An approved RCR course
- Additional RCR training may be required by individual graduate programs
Masters' Theses and Doctoral Dissertations Policy
1. Masters' theses must be overseen and approved by a committee consisting of at least three members. Doctoral dissertations must be overseen and approved by a committee consisting of at least four members.
2. For the master's thesis, at least one committee member must be from outside the candidate's specific research topic of study. For the doctoral dissertation, at least one committee member must be from outside the candidate's program of study.
3. All committee members must hold graduate faculty member status (full, associate, or adjunct). The chair of the committee must hold full graduate faculty member status.
4. The dean of The Graduate School must approve individuals external to Grand Valley as members for thesis or dissertation committees. Qualified individuals will be given adjunct faculty member status for three years from the time of approval to serve on the thesis or dissertation committee.
5. The Graduate School will review the committee membership for adherence to policy.
6. Upon registering for the initial credit of 695 or 795, the student must complete a graduate school-sponsored thesis or dissertation workshop during the concurrent semester.
7. There must be an announced, public proposal of the thesis or dissertation.
8. There must be an announced, public defense of the completed thesis or dissertation.
9. All graduate students who are working on their thesis or dissertation and have completed all other credit requirements for their degree program must remain in continuous enrollment by enrolling in at least one thesis or dissertation credit for each subsequent semester until the completion of the thesis or dissertation.
10. The completed thesis or dissertation must adhere to the Grand Valley State University guidelines for the preparation of theses and dissertations as regularly reviewed and approved by the Graduate Council.
11. After obtaining final approval from the committee and the appropriate academic dean, the completed thesis or dissertation is reviewed by The Graduate School for adherence to the Grand Valley State University guidelines for the preparation of theses and dissertations. Approval of The Graduate School is required before the thesis or dissertation is accepted by Grand Valley State University.
12. An electronic version of the completed approved thesis or dissertation must be submitted for inclusion in the Grand Valley institutional repository managed by the university library.
13. Exceptions to this policy require the approval of the dean of The Graduate School.
Continuous Enrollment Requirement for the Project, Thesis, or Dissertation Phase of Degree Programs
Master's Programs
To complete requirements for the degree, students in master's programs may select either a project or a thesis.1
1. Master's project: Students begin the master's project phase of their program by enrolling in xxx-693 (project). Thereafter, they must continue to enroll in either xxx2-693 or xxx-696 (continuous enrollment) for at least one credit every semester until they have completed all requirements for the project.
2. Master's thesis: Students begin the master's thesis phase of their program by enrolling in xxx-695 (thesis). Thereafter, they must continue to enroll in either xxx-695 or xxx-696 (continuous enrollment) for at least one credit every semester until they have completed all requirements for the thesis.
Doctoral Programs
To complete requirements for the degree, students in a doctoral program may select either a project or a dissertation.1
1. Doctoral project: Students begin the doctoral project phase of their program by enrolling in xxx-793 (project). Thereafter, they must continue to enroll in either xxx2-793 or xxx-796 (continuous enrollment) for at least one credit every semester until they have completed all requirements for the project.
2. Doctoral dissertation: Students begin the doctoral dissertation phase of their program by enrolling in xxx-795 (dissertation). Thereafter, they must continue to enroll in either xxx-795 or xxx-796 (continuous enrollment) for at least one credit every semester until they have completed all requirements for the dissertation.
1Where it is an available option, students may formally select a nonproject, nonthesis, or nondissertation option for completing their degree program.
2xxx refers to the standard discipline-based course prefix (e.g., CMB for cell and molecular biology).
Graduate Academic Policy on Course Withdrawals
A graduate student may seek a timely withdrawal or late withdrawal from a course and receive a grade of W if the request is approved. For a full semester course, this policy differentiates between requests for a withdrawal made before the end of the ninth week of classes or after the ninth week. The university registrar shall determine the equivalent of the end of the ninth week of classes for a partial-semester (e.g., five week, six week) course. A withdrawal from one or more courses does not remove the student from the graduate program. To completely withdraw from a graduate degree program, a student must execute a program withdrawal request.
1. Course withdrawal in the first nine weeks of the semester
A graduate student may withdraw from a course and receive a grade of W up to the end of the ninth week of class.
2. Course withdrawal after the first nine weeks of the semester (late withdrawal)
After the ninth week of the semester, a degree-seeking graduate student may only withdraw from one or more courses and receive a grade of W with the approval of the course instructor, the director of the graduate program in which they are enrolled, and the dean of The Graduate School. After the ninth week of the semester, a nondegree-seeking graduate student may only withdraw from one or more courses and receive a grade of W with the approval of the course instructor and the dean of The Graduate School.
3. Program withdrawal
A graduate student may elect to withdraw from a graduate program. Each program shall have a process for reviewing a program withdrawal request that has been approved by and filed with the dean of The Graduate School. A graduate student who has been granted a program withdrawal shall normally receive a W for the current semester courses, be classified by the university as a nondegree-seeking student, and must reapply for admission to the graduate program, if they desire to return. If the student wishes to apply to a different graduate program, he/she must meet all admission requirements for the new program.
Graduate Academic Policy on Leave of Absence
1. A graduate student may request a leave of absence for a maximum of two years from a graduate program for good cause. Examples of cause include, but are not limited to, medical issues, caring for family members, nonoptional military commitments, maternity, and work requirements.
2. The graduate student shall explain in writing to the graduate program director the reason for seeking a leave of absence and must specify the period for which the leave of absence is sought. The graduate student may provide materials supporting their request (e.g., military orders) if it is deemed necessary.
3. The graduate program director shall review the graduate student's written explanation and supporting materials, relevant circumstances and documentation, academic performance, and history in the program. After considering the results of this review, the graduate program director shall recommend to the dean of The Graduate School whether a leave of absence should be granted and the terms and conditions for return to the program.
4. The dean of The Graduate School shall render a decision after reviewing the graduate student's written request and the recommendation of the graduate program director. The decision by the dean of The Graduate School shall be final.
5. If the student is granted an immediate leave of absence, it shall have the effect of a course withdrawal for all courses in which the student is enrolled. Requesting a tuition reimbursement must be completed following university policy.
6. The student shall follow the graduate program and catalog requirements in effect at the time of re-enrollment.
7. At the discretion of the dean of The Graduate School, a leave of absence may be extended beyond the original time granted at the written request of the student. A student who does not enroll in classes or requests an extension at the end of the leave of absence may be required to reapply for admission at the discretion of their desired graduate program.
8. A leave of absence does not extend the eight-year time limit for the applicability of a graduate course toward a degree. Requesting an extension of the time limit must be completed following university policy.
9. A student in the dissertation or thesis phase of their graduate program is not required to maintain continuous enrollment in any semester for which a leave of absence has been granted.
10. Students who wish to take a semester away from their program and are not part of a cohort or structured program may not need to complete a Leave of Absence request and should contact the graduate program director prior to completing the request.
Graduate Academic Policy on the Incomplete Grade
This is a temporary grade given for work that is lacking in quantity to meet course objectives. It may be assigned when illness, necessary absence, or other reasons generally beyond the control of the graduate student prevent completion of the course requirements by the end of the semester. This incomplete (I) grade may not be given as a substitute for a failing grade or withdrawal. A graduate student is expected to complete course requirements according to the following schedule: fall semester incompletes, no later than the end of the subsequent winter semester; winter and spring/summer incompletes, no later than the end of the subsequent fall semester. Earlier deadlines can be set by the instructor or the graduate program director and must be communicated to the student in writing.
Instructors are required to file a change of grade form or request an extension of the I grade at the end of each semester. A student cannot graduate with an I grade on his/her record.
Academic Review for Graduate Students
1. All graduate students are expected to maintain a minimum of a 3.0 graduate program grade point average at all times.
2. The academic review process will be conducted by the appropriate graduate program director for degree-seeking graduate students or by The Graduate School for nondegree graduate students. Academic review is applicable to a graduate student
a. who earns in the previous semester
i. a grade of D or F; or
ii. the second or subsequent grade of C or lower in graduate courses in the student's program; or
iii. the second or subsequent grade of NC in graduate courses in the student's program;
b. whose performance is evaluated as unsatisfactory in a required clinical experience, internship, or practicum;
c. whose semester or cumulative program grade point average is less than 3.0;
d. who has not met the conditions of a previously imposed academic probation with the time limits imposed; or
e. who at the end of the semester has more than two unresolved grades of I (Incomplete) that were assigned in a previous semester.
3. Academic review may result in an academic warning, academic probation, or dismissal.
Graduate Dismissal
1. A graduate student shall be dismissed from a graduate program who
a. earns a second or subsequent grade of F in any graduate course, including repeated courses; or
b. has less than a 3.0 graduate program grade point average AND has accumulated nine or more hours for which a grade less than a B- was earned.
2. A graduate student who has been dismissed from a GVSU graduate program may not be admitted to a different graduate program and may not enroll in graduate courses without the permission of the dean of The Graduate School.
Appeals of Action Taken Under this Policy
1. A degree-seeking or certificate-seeking graduate student may appeal an action taken under this policy using the graduate program's published process for appeals of academic decisions. If the program does not have a published appeals process, the appeal shall be to the dean of the college in which the graduate program is housed. The student may appeal the decision of the dean of the college and to the provost or the provost's designee. The result of each appeal shall be reported to the dean of The Graduate School.
2. A nondegree graduate student may petition the dean of The Graduate School for reconsideration of a decision. If such reconsideration is unsuccessful, the student may appeal the decision to the provost or provost's designee.
Effect of Grade Change
If a review of the student's record or dismissal from graduate study is based on a grade that is subsequently changed, the student may appeal or reappeal any adverse action taken.
Timing of Decisions
All parties to the decision to take action under this policy shall act expeditiously to arrive at and communicate a decision to the student as soon as practicable. However, in order to afford due process and full consideration of the graduate student's record and circumstances, a decision to dismiss a student under this policy may occur in the semester after the student's performance or actions warranted dismissal. If the graduate student is enrolled in graduate courses at the time of the dismissal, the decision shall have the effect of a withdrawal from Grand Valley State University.
Graduate Academic Policy on Academic Renewal
A graduate student may request a "fresh start" when changing to a new graduate program leading to a graduate degree at Grand Valley State University. A fresh start is defined as beginning a new graduate program and having the prior graduate record exempt from the new graduate program grade point average (GPA) and academic review process. All graduate courses previously taken at Grand Valley State University, however, will remain on the student's academic record.
To be considered for a fresh start, the student must submit a petition to the dean of The Graduate School seeking readmission and must meet the following criteria:
- The student has been recommended for admission into the new graduate program by the appropriate graduate program director.
- A period of no less than one semester has passed since the student withdrew or was dismissed from a Grand Valley State University graduate program.
- The student's previous graduate GPA is below the minimum required to earn a graduate degree (3.0 on a 4.0 scale).
The student will be subject to the following rules:
- No courses completed in a previous Grand Valley State University graduate program will transfer or be applied to the requirements of the new program.
- Only one fresh start will be granted to any one graduate student at Grand Valley State University.
- Final approval for a fresh start resides with the dean of The Graduate School.
Requests for Exception to Graduate Policies
Requests for Exception to Graduate Policy: The dean of The Graduate School is responsible for the review and final approval or denial of Petitions for Exception to graduate education policies. The student's academic advisor, graduate program director, or dean of the college where the program resides, must support all exceptions in order for the dean of The Graduate School to approve them. Information on Requests for Exceptions can be found on The Graduate School website.
Please refer to the Graduate Education Policies and Procedures Manual (c7nb.bj7dian.com/gs/manual) or Graduate Academic Policies and Regulations section of the Grand Valley State University Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog for further information on academic review, probation, and dismissal.
Petition for Exception to 12-credit Hour Limit: Grand Valley policy allows graduate students to take a maximum of 12 graduate credit hours without being admitted to a specific graduate program. Once the student gains admission to a graduate program, any credit hours beyond the limit must be granted an exception to the policy in order to be counted toward the degree. The student seeking this exception should contact his or her academic advisor to initiate the Petition for Exception.
Petition for Exception to Eight-year Time Limit to Degree Completion: All courses to be counted for a graduate degree at Grand Valley must be completed within eight years. This time limit is a way of ensuring the student's validity and currency of knowledge at the time of graduation. The student will be required to either repeat the course or take an approved substitute, if unable to demonstrate currency of knowledge. The start date for the eight-year time limit begins with the first course taken toward the degree planned program.
Petition for Exception to Graduate Student Policies: Students seeking to appeal other graduate academic policies must complete the appropriate Petition for Exception form as provided on The Graduate School webpage. The student's academic advisor, graduate program director, or dean of the college where the program resides, must support all exceptions before approval by the dean of The Graduate School.
Credit Overload: Full-time graduate students register for nine to 15 credit hours per semester. Permission from the dean of the appropriate academic college is required for more than 15 hours per semester.
Petition to Return: Following a voluntary absence of two or more consecutive semesters, a graduate student must complete a Petition to Return form. Graduate students are reminded that following a voluntary absence of 24 consecutive months they must follow the Grand Valley State University Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog requirements in effect at the time of their return to Grand Valley. Such students should meet with their program advisor to revise their study plan.
Graduate students who wish to return to Grand Valley following an academic dismissal must submit a written appeal to the dean of the appropriate division. Graduate students who wish to change to a different program within Grand Valley must complete the application process for that program. No additional application fee is required, and the applicant need not supply duplicate copies of official transcripts already on file.
Catalog Limitations and Guarantees
Graduate students follow the requirements in the Grand Valley catalog at the time they were originally admitted into a program as degree-seeking students. Students who have not enrolled in Grand Valley for 24 consecutive months must follow the requirements in the Grand Valley catalog in effect at the time of their re-entry. All students have the option of using the program requirements in effect at the time of graduation. Any exceptions must be approved in writing by the faculty advisor and program director and filed in the appropriate program office.